7pfoten - !!!NEWS*NEUES*NEWS!!!
  Tierbilder für Villena
  !!!Tierhilfe NEWS!!!
  TIMI,la pirata
  SIA, la princesa
  MELCHOR - el rey
  11 spanische Pfötchen - 11 patas espanol
  Lyrik mit den Chicas
  Katzenpersonal- el personal felina
  Unsere Patentiere suchen ein liebevolles Zuhause
  Tierhilfe Links
  Lust zu Adoptieren?
  Kontakt - contacto

Lots of days we don´t wrote...
A lot has happend!
Sia is very well. She loves to be by good health. The Fall has come over Mannheim, and it begins the cold time of the year.
The cats are playing a lot, sleeping a lot and all 3 are at home now. Timi Sia and Melchi and we, their lordlings love each other and its very harmonic here...

We have build a new catwalk, have a look

they love it!!!

See you soon...

A hot day, a day to chil, a sunny day......A Princesa Sia day...

Today it was a very HOT day.... The Patas chilled a lot at the balcony.

Timi: Just a little sun, just a little balcony... She prefers the couch

Sia at her indonesian bed

time-out with Melchi...He could´t remember the heat in Spain

Later it was better to lay under the seats an the cold bottom


Today Sia have had her operation and the external Fixation is away.
She is very happy about that and nearly the old one.
And it is like in the past.
We have to be a little carefully, so Sia don´t get the opportunity to climb on a scrating post, but in about 6 weeks everything is totally like in the past.
We are so, so happy about that !!!

Have a look at Sia after her operation...

Now Melchi stays here since one month.
Because of many mites in his ears he have to waint two weeks till he have had the opportunity to know the Girls. But in this time they could smell each other and later they could see each other through a Glass-Door.
So it was no problem to let them together.

Now, after a month we can say the little man has arrived.
His coat is much better and his weight goes normal.
The mites are gone totally.

He likes it to play with the girls and he loves it to sit out at the balcony.
He is a big, big cuddler...

Dear Team of the Protectora Villena: Thank you very much for that three wonderful cats you send us!!!

We are so happy together!


Melchor has arrived!
Now is our Dreamteam complete.
The little man have to stay in a quarantaine-room for a few days.
After that he will meet the chicas.
Melchor, we are very happy that you wanna live with us : )


And here we are again. This time we have a brandnew Video...

the Chicas live...

Have a look:



Today we visited the Animal Hospital to pull the strings.
The doctor was very content with it.
Everything is very good!
We had the chance to take some pics from Sias Arm without her "Airbag"
Have a look at the "Little Terminator"


We are still away sick.
Sia is on her way to get better, but it takes a long time.
At monday the doctor will pull the strings.
Thats the first big step, till the accident happens.
But the little girl is such a brave and lovely one, she suffers her destiny like a real fighter.
We are very proud of our princess!

And Timi? 

Timi is going to become a little ruler.
She emerges wonderful. Every day she is learning something new, but she never forget to visit her friend Sia...


Today Micky moved to his new family.
We wish you the very best little man...


Here we are, a hard week behind us...

Sia have had a second operation at wednesday.
The first insatallation was broken, because Sia is such a small and graceful little girl.
Now they fixed an external fixation.

Sia is really brave and lovelly.

She gots a new one-room-appartment

Hello, This is Sia..
At Monday, the 16th i have had an terrible accident.
I wanted to jump out of the highest level from the lordlings closet, but i entagled me at one of Kerstins pullover. Because of that i couldn´t jump like ever.
I rushed down at a part of a chair and broke my leg...

Tuesday I have had a big operation at the animal hospital of Heidelberg.
They did a good job.
Now i have to recover.
About 10 days i have to wear a collar and stay in a cage for four weeks!!!
Not nice, but necessary...

Don´t worry about me, my lordling do they very best, to heal an protect me.
In about a month i will be the old one!

Everything s okay... the Chicas accept Micky...
But he is sitting at Sias place...


Today Micky ( our Fostercat) arrived from Spain.
We wanted to socialice the Chicas and Micky Step by Step, but Sia wanted to check him out directly and slided in his room.
And- nothing happend! Just a little bit mistress and..
they understand each other...It works...


Today Sia and Timi gots a BIG Easter present from their Friend Liz.
( You know, the one, who also wants to adopt Sia )

a little of Sping in the livingroom

Mhhh ... Flowerpower...

after playing it was time to have a little nap

Now the new Homepage is nearly complete!
I try to translate all pages to english, but you have to wait another days...



Hello Together!

The Chicas and their lordlings want to send their loveliest Easter Wishes out to the world, and especially to the spanish guys and the Crew from Tierhilfe Verbindet e.V.
We hope your Weekend was well and you have had a great time!
But let the Chicas speech: 


Our friend Alex told us, that the spanish guys from Villena have a daily look at the Chicas´homepage. Because of that we decided to go on with the news in english.

Today the Chicas have had a excursion to their friends in Chämietown.
It was very exiting. But have a look: 

Playing in front of the terrarium..

"Elvis? Are you There?"

hello Timi...

Hey there...I´m here , keeping tabs on you...

helping my lordling to put little Chamaeleon-Eggs into the incubator..

they don´t speek to me...miaou...thats stupid...


die Chicas genießen den Frühlingsanfang in vollen Zügen!!!

Euch allen wünschen wir schöne Frühlingsgefühle...




She did it!!!

Heute hat Timi sich endlich getraut den Kratzbaum zu erklimmen!!

Kleine Maus, ganz groß!
Ja, das wird doch, Ihre Behinderung rückt mehr und mehr in den Hintergrund!



Wir dürfen auf den Balkon!

Heute hat die Dosine richtig Action gemacht und den Balkon geschrubbt.
Als alles fertig war durften wir endlich auch mal raus. Voll spannend!
Was man da alles sieht und riecht und hört...WOW...



Timis Kastra ...

Heute bin ich kastriert worden.
Schonwieder zum Arzt. Bäääähhhh...

Aber der war ganz nett, und bis auf die Spritze hab ich auch gar nichts mitbekommen.
Jetzt bin ich halb nackig, aber mir gehts echt gut.
Zuerst war ich noch ein bisschen platt, aber alle haben sich ganz lieb um mich gekümmert.

Ich schlaf jetzt mal ordentlich aus, und morgen bin ich dann wieder fit.

liebe Grüße
Eure Timi



Heute haben wir ein Geschenk bekommen von unserer lieben Liz!
Liz haben wir bei MietzMietz kennengelernt!
Sie wollte die kleine Sia auch adoptieren, hatte sich aber zu spät gemeldet!
Durch Zufall fanden wir uns, und nun hat Liz trotzdem Teil an Sias Leben!

Die Welt ist manchmal eine Murmel ....

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